MakeThe Barking Stop!!!
We live in a neighborhood full of barking dogs. Almost every backyard has at least one (or in one case half a dozen) outdoor dog. That means there is a constant chorus of barking, yapping, howling and general disorder most of the day and a good portion of the night. Our girls play outside off and on all day, but we don't allow them to bark incessantly or be alone for very long. We consider it respect for both the dogs and our neighbors. Most dogs bark because they're bored, they have pent up energy to release or they've learned that barking gets them something. All of these are adjustable situations that can result in a quiet, peaceful home and neighborhood. 1. The bored dog. Some dogs who live in backyards 24/7 get very little attention. What time they do get is usually confined to the yard itself. This can get very old very quickly - how long can you stay in the house before you have to run an errand just for a change of scenery? These are the dogs that bark at the mail ...