Have you heard about Etsy yet? This website - www.etsy.com - is a community that allows arts-and-crafts people to connect with shoppers who would love to buy their work. It's a one-stop-shop for handmade jewelry, clothing, painting, woodworking and so many other talents.

Danny and I opened a shop in January and are having a blast with it! Etsy has provided us with a way to showcase what we make to a wide audience. There's no way we could have reached so many people in so many places without a site like this.

If you're looking for something special and different like a custom piece of artwork or a hand-stitched pocketbook, you can browse from the comfort of your home. If you are interested in a vintage table or a crocheted baby set, you can search the site and even make request for personalized pieces.

Or maybe you just want to support another woman's business venture. Many of the sellers on this site are women trying to help support their family income or venturing away from the working world to spend more time with their husbands and children. You can read their personal biographies right at their shop to learn more about them before you ever make a purchase.
So please check out our personal etsy shop - www.stufffromtrees.etsy.com - and then check out what some other fabulous women are creating. You can save tons of money and time, plus support other women in their work.
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