Sunday Scripture

Can you think of one thing God has done to bless you since you woke up this morning? Can you remember a blessing from yesterday? Can you remember blessings from the past week or month? The further back we go in our memory, the more blurry those great and mighty things God has done become.

How do you jog your memory about other things in your life? Do you write yourself notes to read later? Do you mark something on your calendar or type it into your computer or phone? Do you use sticky notes or tack a reminder on the refrigerator? Perhaps you've found some system that helps you remember those important details you will need in the future.

But have you ever built an altar?

Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the LORD helped us. 1 Samuel 7:12

God had won the war for His people. They had called upon His name in prayer and He had been faithful to preserve them from the Philistines. As Samuel set a stone up, it became a memorial of victory and praise to the Lord for His mighty works. The Lord had helped when all seemed overwhelming, and this stone was the "sticky note" placed for all to see.

Imagine walking past that stone with your children, remembering how God had won the battle. The young ones weren't there but your story of God's faithfulness solidifies their faith as well.

And what about the times when those miracles seem few and far between? Memories become cloudy and we almost forget how wonderful our Lord has been. That's the moment that we walk past the stone. Then all of the memories of a powerful and amazing God come rushing back and the trials of the day don't seem so tough anymore.

What altars do you have set up in your life? You may not have a stone in the middle of the floor or even a pile on the shelf, but you have ways that you remember God's blessings. Perhaps you have a praise journal or a photo album of precious memories. Those are always available when we're starting to see a little fuzzy.

When you go home from church on Sunday, do you tuck your Bible away on a shelf or do you keep it out handy? Do you write notes in it, or is barely cracked open? Those little messages to yourself can be the spark you need during the week to focus on the Lord.

Having Scripture hanging on the walls and framed on shelves and dressers helps as a reminder while we're going about our daily activities. Favorite verses lead us back to times when God was extremely good, exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think.

Whatever you use as a memory jogger, that is your stone of Ebenezer. Raise it high and remember how wonderfully blessed you are to be a child of God!


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