What God's Purpose For Women Really Is

As we start another week, Monday's chores can look daunting. Your to-do list may be a mile long already, and you're wondering which ones are really worth it. Instead of wandering aimlessly through the day, take a look at the priorities God gave Christian women and how we're to live confidently for Him.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 2:3-5

When we break this Scripture down and look at the individual instructions within, we find our purpose in God's eyes clearly laid out.

* behaviour as becometh holiness: Can you share your testimony without saying a word? Living holy, as a child of a holy King, is more important than any speech you could give or story you could write.

* not false accusers: Watch your mouth! This is one of those temptations that tackles many women, but can be defeated by praying before any words ever pass your lips.

* not given to much wine: Excess of anything is potentially hazardous, especially those things that we put into our bodies. Moderation is key.

* teachers of good things: What kind of legacy are you leaving behind you? Is your example one of good things, the things of God?

* sober: Being serious doesn't mean being a stick in the mud. It means focusing on the things that are eternal, not the pleasures of the moment.

* love their husbands: And how much fun this is! Pray for him, treat him with kindness and compassion, spoil him, talk with him, spend time with him and share God's Word with him. Be his helper and see to his wants and needs above all else.

* love their children: Be a mother, teacher, guide, companion and motivator. Pass God's love and instruction down to all generations.

* discreet: Be wise and cautious in your decision-making. Pray and think so you don't do anything rash or out of the ordinary.

* chaste: Keep all parts of your life pure and undefiled. This means your eyes, ears,speech, library, television, family and mind. Purity begins with holy decisions.

* keepers at home: Protect anything that comes on and goes off your property. Keep your home so that it is safe, clean and a sanctuary for all who enter.

* good: Search out those things that God describes as good, not what the world chooses. Read His Word and learn what His criteria are for holiness and goodness.

* obedient to their own husbands: Love and respect go hand-in-hand when we are obedient to our husband. Joy and peace come to the home when follow God's assignments for the Christian home.

We really didn't mention cleaning, running errands, doing laundry or going to the job, did we? If we're following God's list of priorities for the Christian woman's life, everything else will fall into place. Focus on the Lord and His desires and all those things we thought were so vitally important won't seem like such a burden.


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