Wonders Among You

The Lord spoke in the first chapter of the book of Joshua, telling the new leader to have courage - the people would cross over the river and enter the Promised Land. They would receive the blessings of their inheritance and have rest.

Can you imagine what the night before they crossed over must have been like?

And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you. Joshua 3:5

They were to prepare and make themselves holy that night, preparing for the wonders that would come in the morning. Joshua knew the time of God's miracles was at hand, and he wanted the Israelites to have a right standing with the Lord before that moment.

Unlike Joshua, I have absolutely no idea what tomorrow holds. I have a to-do list and some fun plans, but there is no way I can know what the next hour holds, let alone the next day or week. That's why prayer and listening to the urging of the Holy Spirit are so vital in our daily lives. That's where God speaks to us, as He spoke to Joshua, giving us guidance, direction and encouragement for the day ahead.

With a clean heart, a fresh mind and a trusting spirit, we can face whatever comes today. The Lord has promised to do wonders among us today - are you ready for them?

Listen to His still, small voice and be prepared for wonders more wonderful than you could ever imagine.


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