Home - One Year Later

A year ago today, we moved into our new home. After a little-longer-than-expected stay in a hotel, it was such a blessing to move into this blessing straight from the Lord.

For the anniversary of our home, I could have used a picture taken on a bright day with lots of sunshine and pretty colors. But I didn't.

With all that is going on in our world right now, we are blessed beyond measure to even have a home, let alone one with power, running water and a sturdy roof. We're safe, dry and warm. And we're full of joy and thanksgiving for all God has done during this year that has been exceeding abundantly above.

While I rejoice on the days that the sun shine brightly on our home, there are also days when the storm clouds hover overhead. They're dark and ominous, full of rain, lightning and rumbles of thunder. You can see them coming from miles away when you're up on a hill like this.

But praise God's holy name - we have a home, one built on a solid foundation. Two to be truthful - the concrete foundation that holds our house in place and the one of our home that's rooted in Christ.

We don't deserve these blessings, but Scripture says God delights in us. He actually delights in the little things like this - the things that seem so enormous when the black clouds threaten. My cup overflows when I think about all He's given freely.

So a year later we're giving thanks for the home the Lord has placed us in. Our prayer is that we'll be good stewards of all He has given us.


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