It's About Trusting God

There have been at least three separate occasions this week when I've been surprised by how good God can be. He's blessed beyond measure, He's gone above and beyond all I could ask or think and He's done it with absolutely perfecting timing.

Why does this always surprise me?

If we're trusting in the Lord to get us through, get us over, get us past and get us beyond, why are we so pleasantly surprised when He does what He said He would do?

The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence. 2 Samuel 22:3

We can't always see the road ahead, and that's OK. Surprises, when they come from the Lord, can be a wonderful thing. He's already planned our the path before us, and then He comes back around to take us through it. That is an amazing and beautiful gift from the God of grace and mercy.

Trusting God means expecting Him to be there, expecting Him to handle things as they come. Trusting God means knowing that there's something up ahead that is more wonderful than we could create for ourselves. Trusting God means accepting that we may go through a place we're unfamiliar with to be exactly where He wants us to be on the other side.

And to do that, we have to listen for God's voice. His guidance will lead us into those moments of blessing when we couldn't get there ourselves.

The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22

So don't be surprised in the coming days when you receive blessing and favor from the Lord. If you're reading and praying and listening for his direction, you're probably also trusting Him to do great and mighty things in or life. If not, remember that it's all about trusting God.


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