A Weekend Of Courage

Three of his baby bird brothers had already flown from the nest, but he sat there on the edge. He would flutter his wings little and peer over the side, but he stayed put. There was a whole world out there for him to explore, but he sat on the brink.

It would be two more days before he summoned up the courage to fly to a neighboring tree. The rest of his family took off long before he did, flying to the sky before he was willing to let his little feet let go of the safety of the nest.

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9

We're all guilty of holding on to the edge of the nest a little too tightly. God is calling us to fly away into something that we're not quite ready for, so we flap our wings a little, sit on the edge a little and focus on how far away the ground looks if we don't make it.

Make this a weekend of courage. One of God's multitude of promises is that we will have Him with us wherever we go. He will never give us instructions without staying by our side wherever we go. And He'll be the one to hold our wings steady and keep us aloft as we let go in faith and take off. What an adventure it will be!


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