A Weekend Of Clearing Things Out

On a 33-acre property that is mostly woods, you'll find deep piles of leaves on the trails. Different trees drop their leaves at different times, so there is a constant layer of brown, dead leaves everywhere.

I'm praising God today that I don't have to rake them all!

Sometimes you can barely see the paths because of the ground cover. I know where they are, mostly because we've walked them so many times, but they're hidden right now by millions of crunchy leaves.

I know the path is under there somewhere, I just can't see it very well.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

When our hearts get cluttered with the junk of the world, it's very difficult to see God's path for our lives. We know it's under there somewhere and we vaguely remember which way it was going, but it's hard to find it for all of the worry, anxiety, fear and pride that come from just living these lives every day.

That's why David asked God to create a clean heart within him. His sin had taken him far from God's presence, and he couldn't see the path because it was so covered with ugly, dead stuff. He needed the Lord to forgive him of that sin, cleanse his heart and clear off the path that had become so cluttered.

Make this a weekend of clearing things out, beginning with whatever has covered the path God has you on. It's much easier to walk down a trail when you're not waist-high in dead leaves - and it's much better to walk through this journey called life when there's no sin clogging your way. Pray that God will cleanse you, renew your heart and clear out all the obstacles that stand in your way.


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