Building A Pallet Wall
Turning the plain white wall in our entertainment room into a rustic pallet wall was the first major home project Danny and I had done for a while. We spent an entire weekend creating it, and it's one of the projects we're most proud of in the house. This is how it started - just a section of wall like any other. I taped it off and spray painted it black so the white wall wouldn't show through the cracks and crevices of the pallet boards. Using a piece of cardboard in addition to the painter's tape helps, but there can still be problems. For instructions on how to remove over-spray from wood, read this . (Yes, this is the voice of experience talking.) No two boards are the same, and they're definitely not evenly cut, so painting the wall black will keep those imperfections from standing out. Then came the muscle part - Danny used a Sawzall reciprocating saw to cut through the nails in the pallet and release all the boards. This