More Than Rubies Ladies Conference

I was blessed beyond measure at the two-day ladies conference at Good News Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids this weekend. Their theme was More Than Rubies, taken from the first verse of the Proverbs 31 woman. It was a time of rejuvenation, sound Bible teaching and lots of fun fellowship. I left these lovely ladies with many nuggets of truth from God's word, and here are just a few.

Think of your words like a game of Jenga. You can either tear people down and remove pieces from the bottom so they eventually topple, or you can build them up and make them even stronger than they were before.

Maybe your words aren't hurting other people, but how are they helping? A commitment to use wise words makes you more aware of how you speak. God will give you His words if you'll just ask for them.

God's definition of beauty is the complete opposite of the world's definition. As Psalm 96:9 says, beauty comes from holiness and the desire to be Christ-like, not that obsession with looks that society says is important.

Fifteen of the 21 verses in the Proverbs 31 woman description speak of her work. Go to the Lord for His priorities and your attitude about work will change dramatically. That to-do list doesn't have to be depressing or overwhelming - give yourself grace without letting it become excuses.

The results of virtuous living include your husband's trust, blessings, praise and joy. You reap what you sow, and there will be either benefits or consequences for every choice you make. The dog that gets fed wins, and it's impossible to fight the enemy if you're spiritually weak.

Love, cultivate and enjoy your walk with the Lord. If you do, you won't get burnt out serving Him. What do you need to get rid of in your life, and what do you need to bring in to be used of God?
