A Week Of Living An Abundant Life

This quote hangs in the hallway of our local YMCA. As you're sweating and working and groaning at the stretching of your body, you read these words about confidently stepping out into life. I wonder how many people have actually read this sign and thought about what it says.

Too many people make resolutions, to-do lists and promises but never do anything with them. This can clearly be seen at the gym, as people often say they want to get their bodies whipped into shape, but they rarely show up or just sit at a machine and check their emails when they could be doing the workout they planned to do.

Beginning to live means bypassing the head-knowledge of what needs to be done and actually getting down to work. Someone can easily prepare for life all their life and never actually live. (No, I won't repeat that - I don't know if I can.) They'll never take that first step of faith that takes them outside their comfort zone and into the life they say they want.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, gives us everything we need to quit preparing for life and begin to live. The thief - the devil himself - wants to deceive us at every turn. He'll try to steal our joy, kill our hope and destroy our peace. This will get us stuck in the rut of preparing for life but never moving beyond that point.

Make this a week of living an abundant life. Christ came to earth to put life into believers, bringing us back from the dead life of sin. He came to give us something better, something above and beyond what we knew in our old lives. By trusting Him to give us Himself in abundance, we can step out of the rut of the old life and grasp just how abundant a life lived for Him can be.


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