Our Youth Group Finally Celebrates Spring

After approximately 117 days of January, this past weekend was warm enough to host our church youth group and their parents for a celebrate spring party. They were so excited to finally be out on the property doing the things they love, like fishing and hiking.

Danny stayed up all night Friday night smoke meat for the first time this year. It was absolutely amazing - my husband is the best cook/grill master ever - and no one walked away hungry.

Well, they are teenagers, so I can't guarantee they weren't still hungry.

After lunch they all split up for different games and activities. Our home theater was turned into a video game center, and I even won a round of racing. Or they possibly let me win...I'm not sure.

And, of course, there were plenty of puppy cuddles to go around. The puppies are too big to really be called puppies anymore, but they still love to cuddle and give lots of kisses.

The main purpose of our party, besides the spring celebration, was to start brainstorming. We told the teens that this is their group, and they're going to play an integral part in what we do. We gave everyone, including the parents, this worksheet and had them fill in as many blanks as they could. When they were done, we had tons of ideas to give us a jumping off point. And apparently we're going to be studying Revelation in the weeks to come, as well as totally revamping the teen room. Lock in, here we come!


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