Is This Strengthening Me Or Weakening Me?

If you could ask yourself one question to analyze every situation today, wouldn't you do it? If just two words would show you which choices to make, you'd use them, right?

Is this strengthening me or weakening me?

Isn't that what really matters: whether the decision you're making in this exact moment is going to make you stronger or make you weaker? Could it really be this simple? Could these two opposite ends of the spectrum provide us with everything we need to make good decisions in our lives?

When you hit the snooze button for the umpteenth time, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

Before you make your choice of breakfast - or no breakfast, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

While you're playing a game on your phone, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

If you decide to skip a mid-week church service so you can get some other things done, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

When you're committing your time to a new project, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

While you're talking on the phone instead of talking to the people in your own home, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

If you choose the skinny version of your favorite coffee shop beverage, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

When you're thinking about going for a walk at lunchtime, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

As you're planning a weekend outing for the family, is this strengthening you or weakening you?

If you were to look at every situation you're in today and ask yourself that one question, would it put your decisions in a different light? Would you have some clarity about the consequences of all your actions? Let's give it a try today and see how we're strengthened.
