When Pulling Away Gets Too Difficult
Whoever introduced sticker bushes to the Iowa landscape should be tar-and-feathered. We spent all day Saturday wrestling with those stupid thorns while we were clearing the trails on the property. And we have a boatload of puncture wounds to show for it. If you pull away from the thorns, they catch you. Each thorn grows at a diagonal, pointing back toward the stalk, forcing themselves into your flesh and clothing when you pull. This is their defense mechanism. There is a secret, however, to not ripping your shirt and your skin. If you stop pulling forward and pull backward instead, in the direction the thorns point, you slip right off. Nothing gets torn, and you don't bleed. The thorn doesn't do any damage when you stopping tugging. But isn't this what we do so often in our lives? Something painful happens, and we pull as hard as we can to get away from it. One hurtful situation panics us, and our sudden pulling rips us more, and we bleed emotionally and mentally. ...