Thanking God This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, before the food, fellowship and football, let's take time to place our love and gratitude for God in its proper place.

When we read through the Psalms, we can’t help but see David’s heart of praise and thanksgiving. In everything he did, he looked for reasons to praise God. He didn’t tout his own strength or position or power, but gave all the glory and honor to his Lord.

I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. Psalm 138:1-2

Praise is as natural as breathing when we’re focused on the blessings of God in our daily lives. While there may be distractions and reasons to be bitter and ungrateful, we have so many heavenly gifts to be thankful for. Let’s put those gifts in the forefront of our minds and hearts during this busy holiday season.

I pray that today, and each day to come, we will count our many blessings and name them ton by ton. I also encourage you to start a praise journal, writing down as many of those blessings as possible. If you were to fill one page a day with a list of God’s blessings and mercies, you would have thousands of examples of how good He is by this time next year. A full notebook of all the good stuff would be an amazing Thanksgiving gift in 2020!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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