The Truth Of God’s Word Yesterday, Today And Forever

I found it on the bottom shelf clear back in the corner of a dark basement. The glass was messy with bug stuff, as would be expected, but the words were still bright and bold. Measuring 11x13 inches, it definitely makes a statement hanging on the wall.

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1

What I learned was this white piece of paper with black letters and framed with a simple wood frame once hung in my great-grandmother’s house. If I close my eyes, I can see a turn-of-the-20th-century home filled with friends and family and this Bible verse. She must have seen it every day as she was keeping her house, caring for her husband, raising children, celebrating with family and entertaining friends.

It was obviously important because it has been saved for four generations. Sure, there are dishes and family photos and treasures from her life that remain, but this Bible verse touches my heart in a special way. It’s like a snapshot into a life that was deeply personal, like seeing her heart for the Lord so many decades after her death. 

Justified, just as if I’d never sinned.
By faith, because I trust my God completely.
Peace with God, when I didn’t deserve it but claim it as my own.
Through Christ, because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

God’s truth, just as true today as it was 120 years ago and will be tomorrow and every day after that. That’s the miracle of Scripture, how it is applicable in all times and in all circumstances and in all hearts. The verse that was so important to my great-grandmother is now hanging in our house, where I will see it every day and share it with everyone who comes in our home.

The truth of God’s word yesterday, today and forever.


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