My Favorite Books From January
There's nothing worse than having to start a conversation with a confession, but here we go. One of my goals for the new year was to read more books. We bought three new bookshelves last fall, and I filled two of the three large shelves on one with the books I own that I haven't read yet. It really put my book collection into perspective because I desperately want to know what is written inside each and every one of them. That's why it's so difficult for me to choose what book I want to read next. I feel like choosing one of them tells the rest of them that they're less worthy. It breaks my heart. The moment 2022 began, I knew I wanted to reread Priscilla Shirer's book Fervent, which goes with the War Room movie. I can't think of a better way to start the year than by rewriting my prayer strategy for my prayer closet/war room. If you haven't read this book, seen the movie or both, do it. We all need a battle plan! For Christmas, a friend gave me John Ma...