Books On My Table At The End Of May
With my own book collection to choose from, recommendations from friends and the city's biggest book sale of the year all at the same time, I'm actually kind of shocked that I'm only reading six books at once right now. In my own defense, I'm really enjoying all of them. Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. A fellow book lover suggested this one because I'm taking a growing interest in history. With quotes from over a dozen school history textbooks and actual historical texts about each time period in American history, it's a fascinating book about what our classes taught us, or didn't teach us. Very interesting. Feast Without Fear by Gin Stephens. I started intermittent fasting a few weeks ago, on a friend's recommendation of this book and the one before it, Delay, Don't Deny. Adjustable to each individual's body makeup and reactions to certain foods, these two books have taught me about the 5-hour eating window and the One Meal A Day lif...