The Trees Are Turning Colors ... Little By Little

I wish I could say that the Carrell Wildlife Preserve was full of fall colors. I'm beyond ready for summer to be over - I'm a sweater weather kind of girl. Sure, I'd love to see reds and oranges and yellows of every shade. But, little by little, yellow is creeping up on us.

If you look at the edges of my favorite tree, you can see the yellow at the ends of each branch. Soon it will be a riotous rainbow of colors, but for the moment, I'm happy with the beginning of that rainbow.

In certain parts of the timber, there is a deep contrast of greens. And again, there are hints at the breathtaking beauty to come. That hope is easy to enjoy because we have seen this happen year after year. Green will turn to red, to yellow and to deep orange. It's just the way God has blessed the nature around us.

Little by little summer will fade into autumn, the temperatures will drop, we'll drink more lattes and less iced coffee, and sweaters will feel oh so good again. And little by little, we'll be able to look out the window and see the proof that to everything there is a season. It will be written all over our trees.


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