Ordering Scripture Review, Or How To Speak In Hieroglyphics
We are always looking for fun new ways to teach our youth group the truths of the Bible. Some days it feels like we're totally on the same page with them, and other days their faces look like we're speaking in hieroglyphics. (Yes, I know what that word means and yes, it definitely applies here.) Our teens have now studied Genesis 1-5, which covers a lot of territory, so we've spent a couple of days reviewing. As an end-of-the-section review, I wrote out 29 questions from those chapters on index cards, leaving room for them to write the answers. On the back was the verse reference in case they needed a hint. When all the questions were answered, we laid numbers on the floor and put some prizes on every other number as an incentive. Then it was their mission to take all those answers and put them in chronological order. Each right answer meant moving down the timeline and collecting the prizes as they went. Most of the prizes were just dollar store treats that I know they lo...