In January 2023, our youth group began a chronological study of the Bible. After 13 months, with a side trip to Job to follow the Bible's timeline, we studied through Genesis 36. That dropped us on the doorstep of Joseph, a teenager no older than some of our youth. In a matter of weeks, we've talked about some of the major themes in Joseph's story: fratricide, passive parents, jealousy, anger, God's presence, the Master's plan for our lives, and resisting temptation. We've really been digging into the deep topics, getting away from the kindergarten and Hollywood versions of the story. These are the issues our teens are dealing with right this minute in their own lives, and we want to show them how the Bible is full of truths that apply to the here and now. So I wasn't surprised when the Lord gave me a nugget for my own struggles smack dab in the middle of a lesson for teenagers. He's good like that. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselve...