For When Life Is Overwhelming

Last week I was juggling so many work responsibilities that I just wanted to go home. Summer is a busy time in the tourism world to begin with, but there are also several special projects on my plate as well. I kept thinking that if I could just go home, everything would be ok.

Once I got home, it didn't let up. There are so many projects that need to be done, have to get done, and that I'd like to get done. If I could just go to bed and crash, everything would be ok.

But once I got to bed, night after night, I couldn't shut my mind off. All those work things and home things flew back and forth through my brain until I was literally exhausted. There was nowhere I could go to find peace and quiet, and I didn't have the strength to do it all anyway.

Then we learned on Saturday that Callie has a herniated disc in her back, which is pressing on her spine and blocking the nerves to her back legs. At this moment, she has no feeling from the middle of her back to her back toes, so she's not able to walk. Talk about overwhelming on top of overwhelming.

After going to the vet for advice and medication, we brought her back home and tried to give her some quiet time in the crate to rest and heal. We weren't sure what else to do. We've never been in this situation before, with a dog who can't feel or walk. More about that in a moment.

Set your to-do list down and hang all of those hats you're wearing on the rack for the next couple of minutes. I want to make sure you get this message.

You. Can't. Do. This. Alone.

Did you catch that? You can't do this under your own power. I can't, either. We will never have enough of our own stuff to not be overwhelmed, to not be discouraged. There is not enough oomph in the world to tackle any of the situations we're going through - not to mention so many at one time.

The only thing I know to do when I'm floundering is go to the Bible. It's not a cliche or a pretty church phrase that we say to sound spiritual. My time in Scripture is vital for my sanity. So that's when Psalm 142 jumped off the page and into reality.

I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path... Psalm 142:1-3a

In the first two verses, David wrote to people, telling the story of one time when he was hiding in a cave. He testifies of how he prayed, pouring out his emotions and giving God all of it.

But in the third verse, David changes the focus. Now he's speaking to God, acknowledging that in the time of most extremely overwhelming circumstances was when he had to completely rely on the Lord. He didn't know the path, but God did. He already had it planned out and was waiting to give David all the hope and support he could possibly want.

I have no idea what today will bring. I don't know how God is working in all my lists and projects and vet visits, but the important thing is that I know He is. His strength and guidance are what will clear away the overwhelm and give me peace. 

You and I don't have to know the path. We just have to trust the God who put it there. 

I said earlier that I would continue Callie's story. So we came home from the vet and put her in the crate to get some rest. Before you can say "really?", she had opened the crate door and let herself out. She's scooting everywhere - and I mean EVERYWHERE - because she's not about to be left somewhere she doesn't want to be. If she's fighting, we're fighting for her and with her. She's just as stubborn as I am, so we're going to make a fabulous recovery team. I can't wait to share the next part of our journey with you.


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