What Web Are You Weaving?

We've both walked right through this spider web several times. Every day I take it down, and by the evening it's already been rebuilt. I've not seen the spider itself, otherwise I would relocate her to a better spot. Way away from the front door.

My industrious friend reminds me of a great book I'm reading about the importance of gathering, in-person events, and making connections. At one conference, the host started by putting everyone in a circle and throwing a ball of yarn. Each participant threw it to someone else, and soon there was a giant spider web of yarn between them. Then the host said, "You are now woven together into this beautiful web. Let's keep that spirit for the remainder of our time together."

What kind of web are you weaving today? Is it the annoying one that's just in everyone's way? Or is it a beautiful connection with the people in your sphere?

Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: 1 Peter 1:22

When Peter wrote these words to the believers spread throughout the land, he reminded them that they knew the truth about Jesus Christ, which was the catalyst for their love. That Christian love was what tied them to each other and moved them to share the good news of the gospel wherever they were.

Unfeigned means real and sincere. They weren't putting on a show that they were better than everyone else or loving because they would get something in return. The pure, holy love that comes from a soul saved and redeemed speaks for itself.

And not only did Peter say to love other believers, he wanted them to love like Christ, with fervency - earnestly and intensely. That means going above and beyond just doing what is required of you. Love from a pure heart can't help but bind together with other Spirit-filled people. Each of those relationships adds another strand and more strength to the woven web of belivers.

What does your web look like today? Take a few minutes and do a heart-attitude check to see if you're binding yourself and weaving in all the right ways.


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