The Challenge Of Puppy Photo Shoots

All I wanted was one good picture of our pack to use in social media. Monday is National Dog Day, so we're posting pictures of our puppies. At least that was my plan.

Ever been booped by a Great Dane? You have now.

"Stay" means absolutely nothing.

Not only is Molly large and in charge, she's also stubborn and pushy.

And the boys let her do pretty much whatever she wants.

You try telling her no...

Diesel's still there - he's just behind the big dog.

Parker tried to do what I asked for, but he eventually got distracted by a bird.

Diesel tried to take his place.

Then I had the boys but no Molly. And Diesel was busy sneezing. The pollen count is high.

Finally, after changing directions and bringing out crackers for bribes, I got them all in one place. 

And if their smiles don't make you smile, I don't know what will. Except Diesel. He's just concerned that he's not getting the treats. This picture says it all.


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