What I Would Love To Tell The Little Me

No one told me that the first birthday you celebrate without your mom would hurt so much. Like how you had this feeling all day that you'd forgotten something, forgotten to call her, forgotten to go see her. But you haven't forgotten. Not even close.

Through tears this week, I found two pictures she took that spoke volumes to my heart. In the first one, I was learning how to walk by holding on to a piece of furniture, then reaching for the other one and grabbing on tight before I let go of the first one. I wasn't about to let a little distance keep me from moving forward and onward and upward.

In the second, in a story my mom told me so many times that I have it memorized, I was doing something I wasn't supposed to do. She didn't want me to hit my head under the table, but every time those rings just happened to go under there, I had to go get them. Then I'd look proud of myself and show them off ... before I sent them flying and went right back underneath the table to get them again.

Oh, my darling girl. You are so strong, so determined, so beautifully stubborn. There is absolutely nothing you can't accomplish when you put your mind to it. It's merely a challenge to overcome, not an obstacle to stop you in your tracks.

Little one, I see in you what my mom saw in you. She saw a feisty, creative girl who would take on the world one day. She saw a tiny girl who would grow up to be anything she wanted to be. And she saw a new life full of love and potential. 

You are loved. You are priceless. You are more than enough. You are so smart. You have a sweet, kind heart that will be tested and tried, but you will come out on top in the end. 

That's what I would tell that little girl in the pictures. But I don't have to. My mom already did.


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