I can't tell you how much I prayed over our new office building when we were in the process of buying it. It was such a good experience because of that prayer, I know. And one of the things that God and I talked about during those prayers was upkeep and maintenance. It was so important to me that I never take the building for granted since it was a blessing from God. Now, every morning when I get to work, I sweep the building inside and out. I've done it since day one, and I will do it every day I'm there. It may not seem like a huge deal, but it is for me. Why is sweeping so serious? I'm so glad you asked. 1. It gives me a few minutes at the start of the day to focus and think without interruption. There are no people, no dogs, no phones, no nothin'. I'm physically in the building, I can see what needs to be done, and I can process my thoughts in the quiet. My brain needs that, craves that. 2. It's creating a habit. Sweeping is just what I do now, first th...